Science of Purposeful Sequencing
The Tantric Sages of ancient India had a thorough and complex understanding of the physical body, the mind, and the energetics of our existence. They saw these three aspects of our being as an integrated whole. Through deep introspection and experimentation, they developed a comprehensive system of techniques and practices that unlock the powers of our highest physical and mental potential that enables us to lead a fulfilling, healthy, and joyful life. This system is called Hatha Yoga.
Hatha Yoga is a scientific, time tested methodology of techniques and practices that include physical postures (asanas), purification (shatkarma) and breathing practices (pranayama), energetic locks or seals (Bandha & Mudra), meditation, and mantra.
The Science of systematic sequencing, (Vinyasa Krama) is the process of utilizing these powerful and effective techniques to achieve specific desired outcomes according to one’s own goals & needs ranging from physical & mental health to spiritual evolution and complete illumination.
Essentially this training focuses on the integration of Ayurvedic principles with both classical and Tantra Yoga. We will explore the energetic effects of the 6 different categories of postures, breathing techniques, meditation, and mantra and learn the science and art of systematic sequencing (vinyasa krama) ie: the why and how of designing a specific practice for a specific purpose.
This knowledge and wisdom is essential to becoming a skilful and effective practitioner and teacher of Tantric Hatha Yoga in both group and private settings. Set yourself aside from the “yoga exercise” fad, its pretty much over.
Topics Covered
Ayurvedic Principles for Hatha Yoga
The energetic effects of all 6 pose categories
Science & Energetics of Asana
Science & Energetics of Pranayama
Science & Energetics of Meditation
Science & Energetics of Mantra
5 Prana Vayus (Energetics of Bodies functions)
Practice & the 3 gunas (natures 3 fundamental forces)
The biodynamics of asana
Tantric Moon, Sun, Fire model for Practice
Safe & Effective Sequencing
3 Subtle Essences of Life (Prana, Tejas, Ojas)
Design practices for your Ayurvedic Type or Imbalance
Appropriate practices for the Nervous System
Specific Practices for Meditations
Principles for Group & Private classes
Theming classes for specific effects
Case Studies
Optional Reading Text: Yoga for your Type by David Frawley