Integrated Teacher - Imparting the Wisdom
The “Integrated Teacher” 50hr training is the final module of Brad’s 300hr Inner Revolution Advanced Teacher Training Program.
It is a prerequisite that you have completed all 6 modules before completing this one and receiving your 300hr Certificate.
In this 5 day intensive, we will focus on the refinement and integration of what you have learnt and practiced in the prior 6 modules combined with your life and teaching experience to date. You will learn to refine yourself as a person first and as a teacher second. Embodiment is at the core of Inner Revolution school and is essential to becoming an authentic, effective, and fully integrated teacher and guide in the Tradition. This is where knowledge becomes wisdom.
The mission of this school is to train the next generation of teachers to be far more than impressive and entertaining asana fitness instructors. The world is in great need of authentic, embodied and skilled teachers/guides that can truly help people through powerful and life changing transformation, not just distract them from their discomforts.
Over the 5 days there will be a combination of lectures, practices, practice teaching and there will also be ample opportunity for questions and discussions. We will do case studies together and you will be working in small groups and with partners throughout the week. You will learn how to conduct an interview/consultation with a student or client and how to extract the right information to be able to best help them. The goal is to set you up to become a clear and powerful conduit for the transmission of this wisdom. To guide and support the next generation of the Tantric Yoga practitioners and teachers in the world to the highest calibre possible. That could be you!
Topics Covered
Self-Practice & the Embodiment of the Teachings
Turning Knowledge into Wisdom
Refining yourself as a Yogi & Person
Refining your Skills as a Teacher or Guide
Accessing the Inner Teacher & Tradition (Satguru)
Cultivating Confidence & Power
Learn to Conduct a Private Consultation
The Art of Listening & Seeing
The skill of teaching Meditation
Learn to work with Mantras
Transmission & Shakti (Parampara)